Tennis at PMCC
The success of our very active tennis facility lies in our ability to arrange great games for all of our members, at all skill levels.
Our facility is equipped with three lighted tennis courts for both day and night play. Our members also have the ability to practice their skills on the club tennis ball machine.
In 2015, we are introducing the PMCC Youth Tennis Program which includes group clinics, private lessons and the development of a Youth Tennis Team.
During the year we have several different leagues for both men and woman. Our leagues range from USTA to our JCCA sponsored leagues. There is a league for every level of tennis player. In the summer we also offer mixed leagues.
Each year we offer two tennis tournaments. Our tennis tournaments are a great way to play with new players and have a great time.
In the spring we host the Steak & Beans tennis tournament which pits Team Red against Team Blue. The teams are divided equally and the winner of the most matches over the course of the tournament each steak at the awards dinner. The losers eat beans.
Leading up to Halloween we host our Trick or Treat Halloween tennis tournament. Players are divided up between two equally match teams. The draw of this tournament is each player must come in a costume on Friday night. It has made for some very interesting tennis.
USTA Leagues

Our tennis teams compete in mens, women, mixed and tri-level USTA leagues.
JCCA League

PMCC has four teams which complete in JCCA for September to March. The men play on Tuesday nights and ladies on Thursday nights.

We have two social tennis tournaments each year. Players of every level are paired up to create competitive matches.
Our Courts
In the summer of 2011 our tennis courts were severely damaged. Portions of the concrete were creating cracks on the courts making them unplayable. We have since torn up those sections of the courts and resurfaced the entire playing area. Our courts are in great shape thanks to the fundraising a hard work of our tennis committee.