This document represents the By-laws of Paradise Manor Community Club, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Club," as adopted by the Board of Directors on December 18, 2006.
Part A. There shall be four (4) classes of membership designated as follows:
1. Regular stockholding members consist of individual or family memberships. This class shall consist of those members who purchase one share of stock and fulfill all other requirements for membership pursuant to these By-laws. A family membership shall include the members of one family, which consists of persons related by blood, adoption, or marriage, who are living together in a household, or in separate households pursuant to a custody or visitation arrangement. It shall also include children who are under the age of 25, as long as they live in the household.
2. Regular non-stockholdinq members are defined the same as regular stockholding members, but who were original residents of Section B, Paradise Manor Subdivision, who were not required to purchase stock in order to join.
3. Inactive members consist of members who have informed the Board of Directors, in writing, of their desire to attain inactive status. Inactive members are not liable for dues or assessments, and do not enjoy any of the privileges of membership. Inactive members shall retain stock ownership. Within two years after attaining inactive status, an inactive member may apply to the Board to be reinstated as a full member, without the payment of initiation fees or stock purchase. Upon the expiration of the two-year inactive period without a request for reinstatement, the inactive member shall be considered to have resigned, and shall offer his stock to the Club in the manner described herein for resigning members.
4. Gratuitous members consist of individuals and their families that have been granted an annual membership by the Board of Directors for purposes including, but not limited to, professional services rendered to the Club. Gratuitous members are not required to purchase stock or pay dues.
Part B. Voting rights of various memberships:
1. Individual members shall be entitled to one vote in all club elections, votes, or as a member of the Board of Directors.
2. Families shall be entitled to one vote per membership.
3. Regular non-stockholding members, whether individuals or families, shall be entitled to one vote.
4. Inactive members and persons, who own stock but have resigned or are otherwise not in good standing, are not entitled to vote.
5. Gratuitous members are not entitled to vote.
Part C. Participation in assets:
1. Regular stockholding members and inactive members whose stock is paid in full shall be entitled to share in the distribution of assets of the club in the event of liquidation.
2. Regular Non-stockholding members shall be entitled to share in the distribution of assets equal to that of stockholding members.
1. Guests must be registered by an adult member in good standing that will assume responsibility for the actions of their guests.
2. Guest fees will be determined by the Board of Directors and published in the Club Rules.
3. Minor grandchildren of members shall have the same privileges as children included in a family membership, except that the member/grandparent must register the grandchild at the front desk in order for the grandchild to be admitted as a member.
4. Unmarried members (not under a family membership) may, in addition to the above, register one guest (significant other) at a time who may visit the Club an unlimited number of times, is not required to pay guest fees, and who may visit the club without the member present. Such a guest will be subject to all other rules of the Club pertaining to guests. Registration is effective upon receipt of a request in writing by the Board of Directors, and is subject to rejection by the Board of Directors.
5. The Board of Directors may make such other rules with respect to Guests as it may deem necessary, and shall publish same in the Club Rules.
1. Each applicant for membership shall present to the Membership Chairperson a prescribed application form, signed by the applicant and listing a sponsoring current member, along with the required payment.
2. The application shall be presented to the Board for its evaluation and acceptance or denial voted upon.
3. Upon acceptance of an applicant, the Membership Chairperson shall notify him/her of the fact and present him/her with current By-laws, Club Rules, a tennis court key and/or combination to the locks.
4. Stock shall be issued to a new member only after full payment has been made for the first year.
5. Once stock is issued, a member shall be eligible to vote and serve on the Board.
6. At no time shall the total of regular stockholding members exceed 315 members.
7. In the event that the membership limit is reached, the names of all applicants for membership shall be placed on an applicant waiting list. As membership vacancies occur, applicants shall be submitted to the Board in the order of the applicant waiting list.
1. Any member of the Club may resign by writing to the Membership Chairperson. The resignation shall become effective as of the postmarked date. Resigning members shall be liable for dues, fines, and assessments as follows:
(a) Resignation between January 1 and February 15 (inclusive) - no liability for current dues and assessments.
(b) Resignation between February 16 and May 31 (inclusive) - one-half (1/2) annual dues and assessments.
(c) Resignation between June 1 and December 31 (inclusive) - full annual dues and all current assessments.
2. Upon resignation, should the member wish to sell his/her stock, he/she must first offer to sell it to the Club and the Club must purchase the share for the price of $150.00, such payment being made when the Board determines that it is financially feasible to do so. All outstanding indebtedness to the Club shall be deducted from the stock payment.
3. If a regular stockholding member who has resigned re-applies for membership and is accepted prior to receiving payment for his stock, the member shall be reinstated upon the payment of all dues, assessments, etc.
4. Stock repurchases shall be made by the Club on a first-in, first-out basis, with those members who resigned or were expelled being entitled to payment in the order in which resignations were postmarked, or according to the date of the Board Meeting at which an expulsion was enacted. However, a resigning or expelled member will be exempted from this rule if he/she brings a new member to the Club by his own efforts. In the case of an exiting member bringing a new member to the Club, the new member's stock payment will be paid to the former member upon receipt of full stock payment, dues and initiation fees due following the new member's acceptance into the Club.
5. Members that are delinquent in paying dues, fees or assessments for over six months shall be considered resigned from the Club, and shall forfeit a portion or all of their stock to pay outstanding dues, fees and assessments.
1. Each regular member, upon joining the Club, shall pay an initiation fee of $300.00. This requirement may be suspended or modified from time to time at the discretion of the Board for the purpose of offering general incentives to increase membership, but shall not be waived or changed by the Board in individual cases.
2. Any member who was in good standing with the Club at the time of resignation who wishes to rejoin the Club within a two (2) year period may do so by repurchasing stock and will not be required to pay initiation fees.
3. Effective February 1, 2020, a new member enrollment fee of $125.00 will be charged for all new members.
1. The certificates of stock of the Club shall be numbered and shall be entered in the books of the Club as they are issued.
2. They shall exhibit the holder's name and the number of the share, and shall be signed by the President and Secretary.
1. Stock certificates, once issued, are held in the files at the Club.
2. Upon resignation, members wishing refunds will be required to sign such certificate showing transfer to PMCC and shall be required to show proof of identity.
1. Upon resignation, should it be determined that the stock certificate is lost, the member must sign an affidavit to this effect, releasing the club from any further liability regarding such certificate.
1. Members not resigning from the Club in writing as stated above, or delinquent in payments beyond six months, shall be considered resigned from the Club and forfeit a portion or all of their stock to pay any outstanding dues, fees and assessments.
1. The annual meeting of the regular membership shall be held in October of each year.
2. The primary purpose of the October meeting is to present the plans, discuss the current budget, report the results of the current year activities, and the election of the Board of Directors for the coming year.
1. The annual meeting shall be held in the Clubhouse unless it is deemed expedient by the President or Board of Directors to hold said meeting elsewhere.
1. Notice of the annual meeting, stating the time and place thereof shall be mailed to each member not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of such meeting.
1. Special meetings of the members may be called by any of the following:
(a) The President;
(b) The Board of Directors; and
(c) By a written request to the Secretary of the Board of a minimum of twenty-five (25) regular members in good standing.
2. Such request shall state the purpose(s) of the proposed meeting.
3. Upon the receipt of such written notice by the Secretary, the President shall call the requested special meeting within two weeks.
1. Notice of special meetings, stating the time, place and purpose(s) thereof shall be given by mail to each regular member at least three (3) days prior to such meeting(s).
2. No subject(s) shall be considered at a special meeting except as specified in the notice thereof.
1. Any meeting of the regular membership may be adjourned from time to time and reconvened at a later date, place and time designated at said meeting without further notice to members.
1. Procedure at all meetings, semi-annual or special, at which Club business is transacted, whether the same be of the members of the Board of Directors, regular membership, or of committees, or otherwise, shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order as last revised, except where the same conflicts with the By-laws or Articles of Incorporation.
1. Voting by proxy shall be permitted only at the annual or special meetings of the regular membership.
2. It shall not be permitted at any meeting of the Board of Directors or committees.
3. A regular member may give his/her proxy only in writing and only to another member eligible to vote.
4. Proxies given to the Board of Directors shall be voted in accordance with the majority vote of the Board.
5. No Member, Officer, or Director shall use Club funds or resources to solicit proxies for any purpose.
6. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, solicit proxies from the general membership using Club funds, provided that the proxies obtained in such manner are voted by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
1. To be eligible to vote at annual or special meetings of the regular membership, either in person or by proxy, a member must be in good standing and not in arrears in payment of dues, fees, assessments and/or miscellaneous charges.
2. In order for a member to vote at meetings of the general membership all payments due must be received by the Treasurer no later than the time of the last meeting of the Board of Directors prior to the general membership meeting at which the vote is to be taken.
1. The order of business at the Annual Meeting shall be as follows.
(a) Call to order;
(b) Reading of minutes of the previous annual meeting and subsequent special meetings;
(c) Report of the Board of Directors;
(d) Report of the Treasurer including discussion of the current budget and report the results of the current year activities;
(e) Reports of Committees;
(f) Unfinished business;
(g) New Business;
(h) Election of members of the Board of Directors; and
(i) Adjournment.
1. The order of business for any special meeting shall be as follows:
(a) Call to order;
(b) Announcement of the purpose(s) of the meeting and by whom it was called;
(c) Discussion of and action upon subject(s) for which the meeting was called; and
(d) Adjournment.
1. In order to be elected to the Board of Directors a person must be a member in good standing in the Club both at the time of nomination and at the time of election.
1. At the regular meeting of the Board of Directors in July of each year there shall be appointed by the Board a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) regular members in good standing.
2. At least one member of the Nominating Committee shall not be an officer of the Club or member of the Board.
3. The duty of the Nominating Committee shall be to nominate from the members at least a sufficient number to fill the vacancies on the Board of Directors caused by the expiration of term, or otherwise, for the ensuing year.
4. The Committee shall nominate candidates by unanimous vote and the names of the nominees shall be mailed or e-mailed to the members preceding the October annual meeting.
1. Ten (10) or more members of the Club, not members of the Nominating Committee, may nominate candidates for vacancies on the Board of Directors.
2. Such nominations shall be in writing and delivered to the Secretary at least twenty (20) days before the date of the October Annual Meeting of the Membership.
3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to post the names of said nominees on the Club bulletin board not less than (10) days prior to the date of the annual election, together with a list of the nominating members and a certificate signed by the Secretary that such nominations have been duly made in accordance with the provisions of these By-laws.
4. Nominations may also be made from the floor of the October Annual Meeting. The President shall ask for nominations, and all names nominated and seconded shall be placed on the ballot.
1. When the time has expired within which such nominations may be made, the Secretary shall cause the names of all the properly nominated and eligible candidates to be listed on one official ballot.
1. At the October Annual Meeting, the President shall be responsible for conducting the election to fill the vacancies on the Board of Directors in a fair manner not inconsistent with these By-laws.
2. If the President is a candidate, another officer of the Club who is not a candidate shall conduct the elections.
3. The President shall determine those members present that are eligible to vote or who hold valid proxies, and thereafter cause the ballots to be distributed to and collected from those members; shall cause the votes to be counted by at least two Board Members or Club members who are not candidates; and shall declare the vacancies filled by that number of candidates necessary to fill the vacancies on the Board of Directors receiving the highest number of votes.
4. Each share of stock represents one potential vote.
5. If two or more candidates receive the same number of votes for one vacancy, the winner shall be determined by a second vote.
6. If the number of properly nominated candidates is equal to or less than the number of vacant seats on the Board of Directors, the President shall declare the nominees elected by acclamation, without further vote of the membership or the Board of Directors.
1. The Board of Directors shall consist of eleven (11) members. Husband and wife shall not serve on the same Board. All directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, beginning on the first day of January following their election.
1. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to manage and control the affairs of the Club, its funds and property and it shall have full power to carry out the purposes of the Club according to its Charter and By-laws.
2. It shall keep a record of all of its official acts and shall make a report of such official acts at the annual meeting of the members of the Club.
3. It shall have the power to hire employees of the Club to serve at the will of the Board of Directors and to establish salaries of employees hired.
4. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the vacated Board seat shall be filled by a majority vote of the Directors present at the next meeting of the Board, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. Person(s) elected to fill such vacancies shall serve until the expiration of the term of the Board seat filled.
5. The Board of Directors may appropriate and expend the monies of the Club from time to time in furtherance of its objectives, and not otherwise.
6. The President and other Officers and Directors from time to time designated by the Board to negotiate contracts or amendments thereto or to exercise rights or options hereunder, unless otherwise specifically instructed, shall do so subject to final action thereon by the Board, and shall report the result of such negotiations to the Board for such action as the Board shall direct; provided that the Board, by resolution, may authorize in advance or approve expenditures or commitments of a routine or emergency nature.
7. The Board shall enact and promulgate rules for the daily operation and maintenance of the Club, as well as the safety and enjoyment of the members, which shall be provided to all Club members and shall be available and posted at the clubhouse.
8. The Club rules may be amended by a majority vote of the Board, without advance notice to the members.
9. The Club rules shall be attached to and considered part of these By-laws, but in the event that a provision of the rules conflicts with a provision of the By-laws or the Articles of Incorporation, such rule shall be considered invalid.
10. The Board shall enforce the Club Rules or its designees, including but not limited to, the Club Manager, and the Board is authorized to utilize a pre-determined system of fines, suspensions and/or expulsions to enforce it.
11. The Board shall adopt an operating Budget for the following year prior to the annual meeting in October of each calendar year, which shall reflect projected revenues and expenses for January through December of the following year.
12. The Budget shall be reviewed and adjusted to make adjustments for actual revenues and expenses in April and July.
13. A profit/loss statement reflecting actual revenues and expenditures for the current year, which shall reflect actual revenues and expenditures for January through September of the current year and projected revenues and expenditures for October through December of the current year shall be prepared prior to the October annual meeting, each calendar year.
14. The Budget and Profit/Loss Statement shall be adopted by a majority vote of the Board prior to the October Annual Meeting.
15. Both the Budget and Operating Statement shall be provided to the members by publishing in the newsletter, posting on the website and/or other means determined by the Board.
1. The Board of Directors shall hold a minimum of twelve (12) regular periodic meetings on such day and time as the Directors may determine for transaction of the Club's business.
2. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be open to attendance by all members.
3. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called from time to time by the President, or by any three (3) members of the Board of Directors upon twenty-four (24) hours notice thereof, either by writing, in person or by telephone.
4. A quorum of the Board shall consist of six (6) or more members thereof.
5. If any member of the Board of Directors shall fail to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Board without having sent to such meeting a proper excuse, he/she shall be deemed to have resigned there from, and it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to replace such member in accordance with these By-laws.
1. Any member of the Board of Directors may be recalled and removed from office upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at a special meeting called for that purpose as provided for in these By-laws.
1. The officers of the Club shall consist of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
1. The above named officers shall be elected at a regular Board Meeting or at a special meeting prior to December 31, following the Annual Election.
2. Members of the Board of Director that will serve during the following year shall elect officers.
3. No person shall hold more than one office. All officers shall serve from January 1st to December 31st of the year following their election to office, or until they are replaced.
4. Should a vacancy occur in any of said offices, the Board of Directors shall elect from their number a successor who shall serve for the remaining term of the vacant office.
5. An officer’s term is one year and must be re-elected by the Board for a successive term.
1. Shall be Chairperson of the Board of Directors and shall preside over all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors.
2. Shall, subject to any limitations of these By-laws, have general and active management of the affairs of the Club.
3. Shall execute bonds, mortgages, and other contracts as directed by the Board.
4. Shall be responsible for ensuring that all other officers and Committee Chairmen are performing their duties as set out in the By-Laws.
5. Shall be responsible for ensuring that the Manager is performing his/her duties.
6. Shall be responsible for developing and maintaining an annual calendar of important dates and reporting deadlines.
7. Shall prepare and distribute an agenda with annual calendar for every Board meeting.
1. In the absence of the President, or his/her inability to act, his/her duties shall devolve upon the First Vice President.
2. In the absence of the Secretary, the duties of the latter shall devolve upon the First Vice President.
3. Shall be responsible for filing Renewal Application for Jefferson Parish Liquor License on or before October 31st every year.
4. Shall be responsible for filing Renewal Applications for State of Louisiana Class AR Beer Outside Permit (AR B) and Louisiana Restaurant AR Permit before January 31st every year.
5. Shall be responsible for filing “Special Tax Registration and Return Alcohol and Tobacco” Form TTB F 5630.5 with Federal Department of Treasury on or before June 15th every year and posting Special Tax Stamp upon receipt.
1. In the absence of the President and the First Vice President, or their inability to act, the duties of the President shall devolve upon the Second Vice President.
2. In the absence of the Treasurer, the duties of the latter shall devolve upon the Second Vice President.
3. Shall responsible for all Insurance requirements and compliance for the Club including, but not limited to, reviewing existing insurance policies, meeting with insurance agent to review adequacy of policies, obtaining quotes, making sure the Club has adequate coverage for liability, casualty loss, fire, theft and workers’ compensation insurance, and annual reporting requirements for workers’ compensation.
4. Shall be responsible for all authorizations and/or reporting requirements for hiring of minors.
1. Shall take minutes at every board meeting.
2. Shall distribute typed minutes at the next board meeting.
3. Shall contact all Board Members to remind and ensure attendance at each Board Meeting.
4. Shall give notice of all regular and special meetings to all members and Board of Directors.
5. Shall keep an accurate up-to-date list of all members, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
6. Shall keep an accurate list of all Board of Directors, Chairpersons, Committee Members, Coaches, Employees including names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses at all times.
7. Shall be charged with the performance of any duties in the By-laws imposed upon him/her.
8. Shall communicate with Members via e-mail or other means as determined by the Board of Directors.
The Treasurer’s responsibilities shall include handling certain aspect of Operations and full responsibility for Financial Reporting as follows:
1. Treasurer shall regularly be provided with the cash and checks remitted for membership dues, initiation fees, stock purchase fees, late fees, assessments, snack bar receipts, guest fees, rental fees, social event fees, fundraising receipts, etc., along with a receipt in the form of a deposit slip from the Manager with all checks marked for “Deposit Only”.
2. Treasurer will deposit all monies of the Club in the name of the Club with the financial institution to be designated by the Board.
3. All disbursements by check are to be prepared by Manager and provided to Treasurer for approval and execution of the check with the exception of payment for purchases due upon receipt. The President or one other designated Board Member shall also have check signing authority.
4. Annually, the financial institution designated by the Board shall be provided a list of who is designated to sign checks.
5. Wire transfers shall be authorized only by the Treasurer and President or one other designated Board Member.
6. Treasurer shall be provided on a regular basis cash disbursement vouchers with supporting documentation.
7. Shall prioritize and pay all monthly bills.
8. Expenditures over $2,000 shall be approved by the Board.
9. Shall coordinate and oversee all collection efforts.
10. Shall contact by phone and mail all members with overdue accounts thirty (30) days to facilitate collection of accounts.
11. Shall post in the newsletter, website and at the club all members names with account balances sixty (60) days past due.
12. Shall initiate outside collection efforts for all member accounts ninety (90) days past due after all internal collection efforts have been exhausted.
13. Shall coordinate with Manager to ensure that members with overdue account balances are not allowed access to Club.
14. Shall ensure that all members are made aware of late fees/assessments through publication in newsletter/website and other forms of communication.
15. Shall be responsible for preparation of quarterly Jefferson Parish sales tax documentation and quarterly payment of Jefferson Parish sales tax on all food and beverage sales.
16. Shall be responsible for preparation of quarterly Louisiana sales tax documentation and quarterly payment of Louisiana sales tax on all food and beverage sales.
17. Shall be responsible for obtaining and delivering to the First Vice-President the Jefferson Parish Sales Tax Clearance Certificate needed for filing of Renewal Application for Jefferson Parish Liquor License, which must be filed on or before October 31st of every year.
18. Shall be responsible for obtaining and delivering to the First Vice-President both the Jefferson Parish Sales Tax Clearance Certificate and the Louisiana State Sales Tax Clearance Certificate needed for filing of Renewal Application for Louisiana Class AR Beer Outside Permit (AR B) and the Louisiana Restaurant AR Permit (AR R), which must be filed on or before January 31st of every year.
19. Shall be responsible for payment of all insurance premiums for the Club.
Financial Reporting:
1. Reconcile bank statements.
2. Keep or cause to be kept regular books of accounts and submit at the monthly board meetings the following:
(a) Monthly profit and loss statements;
(b) Listing of Accounts Receivable by name, amount and age;
(c) Listing of bills outstanding and cash on hand.
3. Shall prepare before the annual meeting in October for Board approval and publication to members the following:
(a) An operating Budget, which shall reflect projected revenues and expenses for January through December of the following year.
(b) A profit/loss statement, which shall reflect actual revenues and expenditures for January through September of the current year and projected revenues and expenditures for October through December of the current year.
1. The Officers of the Club are authorized to make expenditures or commitments for emergency purposes not to exceed $2,000.00 for any single expenditure.
1. There shall be appointed by the President, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, the following Standing Committees, which shall consist of at least one Chairperson and as many committee members as the Chairperson(s) deem necessary.
2. The purpose of these appointed committees is to act, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, in the coordination of all activities and duties related to each Committee's function.
3. Members on the Executive Board and Board of Directors shall be Committee chairperson(s), however, other committee members are not required to be Board members.
4. All Committee Chairpersons, or designee, shall present a monthly status report to the Board of Directors, and shall keep the Executive Board and Club Manager informed of all pertinent activities.
• Shall develop marketing campaign to solicit new members.
• Shall solicit prospective membership applications and guide each prospective membership applicant through the entire approval process.
• Shall offer and provide a guided tour of the facilities to each prospective member.
• Shall coordinate with Treasurer and Manager to issue billing statements to all active members.
• Shall maintain a record of stockholders and keep an accurate list of all stock certificates outstanding.
• Shall determine if proper procedures are followed regarding resignation of members to determine if entitled to refund of stock purchase price and keep accurate list of former members who are entitled to refund of stock purchase price.
• Shall provide new membership information to Treasurer who is in charge of keeping an accurate up-to-date list of all members, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.
• Upon acceptance of an applicant, the Membership Chairperson shall notify him/her of the fact and inform him/her of current By-laws, Club Rules, and combination to tennis court locks.
• Shall issue stock to new members.
• Shall maintain waiting list.
• Shall maintain list of resignations and stock payments due.
• Shall contact resigning members to find out reasons for resigning from Club.
• As appropriate and with approval of Board of Directors, shall negotiate as-needed "trade" memberships in lieu of membership fees.
• Shall coordinate and obtain concurrence from the appropriate Committee(s) to determine if trade is necessary prior to approval of Board of Directors.
• Shall maintain complete record of "trade" memberships for goods/services provided in lieu of membership fees, to include expiration date of trade agreement.
• Shall coordinate any repairs needed to equipment or property.
• Shall solicit volunteers to maintain Club (i.e. cut grass, weed, etc).
• Shall schedule and coordinate all clean-up days including, but not limited to, obtaining volunteers and/or donation of supplies and determining tasks to be performed.
• Shall communicate with members through e-mail and other means to solicit volunteers.
• Shall provide for the assessment of members who do not participate in clean-up days.
• Shall coordinate all contact with contractors including, but not limited to, obtaining bids for work or repairs to be performed and submitting to Board for authorization.
• Shall maintain Club's lock system, including distribution and collection of keys to Board Members and changing locks when appropriate to maintain security of Club.
• Shall review annually and propose to the Board modifications, if any, to existing grounds and maintenance agreements, including but not limited to pest control, fire suppression, and waste disposal.
• Shall maintain/oversee the grounds, including but not limited to, ensuring that grass is cut.
• Shall maintain/oversee Swimming Pools and BBQ Pit/Cabana.
• In conjunction with Tennis Committee, shall maintain/oversee Tennis Courts.
• Shall maintain Bathroom Facilities including but not limited to making necessary repairs to fixtures and plumbing.
• Shall ensure that Grounds are kept clean at all times and that trash is properly disposed of.
• In conjunction with the Strategic Planning Committee, shall develop/implement long range plans for improvements to facilities.
• Shall coordinate clean-up efforts following all Social functions.
• Shall coordinate with Club Management to ensure that Clubhouse is clean and presentable at all times.
• Shall ensure all electronic devices, including TVs, PA/sound systems, internet, and network are working properly.
• In conjunction with Food and Beverage Committee, shall develop and implement shutdown procedures during off season months (September through April).
• Shall coordinate all duties associated with the swimming/diving teams.
• Shall assist in selection of coaches, subject to Board approval.
• Shall provide the Board of Directors a full accounting of revenues and expenditures from swimming/diving teams no later than September 30.
• Shall provide the Board of Directors a budget for the upcoming year no later than January 31.
• Shall charge fees and host fundraising event(s) to cover cost of swimming/diving teams.
• Shall plan and coordinate all Club sponsored swimming/diving tournaments.
• Shall recruit timers, judges and workers for all meets.
• Shall make sure that all team participants are eligible.
• Shall coordinate swimming lessons as an income generator for the Club.
• Shall make sure all equipment and awards are ready for all tournaments.
• Shall nominate one member of the Swimming/Diving Committee to represent Club at JCCA meetings.
• Shall coordinate bids for swimwear, shirts, and other equipment for approval by the Board.
• Shall coordinate with Food and Beverage Committee to recruit volunteers to run grill during swim and dive meets.
• Shall plan and coordinate all club sponsored tennis tournaments and Social Tennis events.
• Shall solicit participation in tennis social functions by contacting members, publishing mailers, etc.
• Shall solicit volunteers from the Membership to host scheduled tennis social events.
• Shall solicit volunteers from the Membership to contact all members prior to scheduled tennis social functions.
• Shall strive to earn a profit from every tennis social event, as these profits are an important source of revenue for the Club.
• Shall give a full accounting of receipts and expenditures from each event and remit to Treasurer.
• Shall strive to schedule at least one tennis related social function per month throughout the year
• Shall coordinate activities and duties associated with the various tennis teams.
• Shall select a tennis pro/instructor, subject to board approval.
• Shall be in charge of tennis courts and tennis room.
• Shall coordinate with Chairman of Grounds and Maintenance Committee for the repairs and maintenance of tennis courts/tennis room.
• Shall make sure all equipment and awards are ready for all tournaments.
• Shall foster children's interest in tennis.
• Shall make sure that all participants are eligible.
• Shall assist in selection of coaches and captains.
• Shall foster relationships with other Clubs and Playgrounds in planning tennis tournaments.
• Shall assign management duties of Challenge Board to Tennis Committee Chairman. The Tennis Committee Chairman, at his/her discretion, may delegate Challenge Board maintenance.
• Shall coordinate tennis lessons to foster interest in tennis and provide revenue to the Club.
• Shall work with Membership Chairman in recruiting area tennis players to become Members.
• Shall develop procedures to control access to tennis courts.
• Shall develop procedures to ensure that all guests are registered and paid.
• Shall determine guest fees, subject to Board approval.
• Shall approve all expenditures, subject to Board Approval.
• In conjunction with Strategic Planning Committee, shall develop long range plans for the maintenance and/or replacement of tennis courts and equipment.
• Shall provide the Board of Directors a full accounting of revenues and expenditures following each event, from guest fees, and tennis lessons at monthly board meetings.
• Shall assist Social Chairman in planning, preparing, and revising, as necessary, a yearly "Calendar of Events" no later than January 31st to be published in the newsletter and website and posted at the Club.
• The social chairman shall coordinate the duties of all social activities for the club.
• Shall schedule social events for adults and children and will assist the Tennis Committee in scheduling tennis social events.
• Shall plan, prepare and revise, as necessary, a yearly "Calendar of Events" no later than January 31 to be published in Newsletter and Website and posted at Club.
• Shall solicit participation in Social Functions by contacting members, preparing fliers, etc.
• Shall solicit volunteers from the Membership to host scheduled social events.
• Shall solicit volunteers from the Membership to phone all members prior to scheduled social function.
• Shall strive to earn a profit from every social event, as these profits are an important source of revenue for the Club.
• Shall give a full accounting of receipts and expenditures from each event and remit to Treasurer at monthly board meeting.
• Shall report to the Board monthly regarding each scheduled event and net profits earned.
• Shall strive to schedule at least one adult, one tennis, and one children's social function per month throughout the year.
• During summer, shall plan bi-weekly Friday Night Family Nights with menus sent by email, posted on website and posted at the Club.
• Shall coordinate with Membership Chairman to schedule at least four social events during the year open to non-members with goal of recruiting new members.
• Shall plan fundraising events to raise revenue for the Club.
• Shall implement internal control procedures for safeguarding food & beverage items.
• Shall implement inventory procedures to insure proper levels of inventory.
• Shall develop cash control and food ticket control procedures, including but not limited to paperless transactions, to ensure that all food purchases are paid and accounted for.
• Shall annually review and if necessary, revise snack bar menu and pricing, to ensure that snack bar operates at a profit, as the Snack Bar is an important income generator for the Club.
• Shall limit access to Snack Bar and prevent Members from removing food and beverage items.
• Shall ensure that minors working in the snack bar do not handle alcoholic beverages.
• Shall develop procedures for the efficient operation of the snack bar.
• Shall implement cleaning and food preparation procedures.
• Shall implement food portion controls.
• Shall be responsible for snack bar employee orientation and familiarity with procedures.
• Shall coordinate with Grounds and Maintenance Committee Chairman for the annual inspection of all kitchen equipment and appliances for cleaning and repair.
• Shall plan for the replacement, improvement and upgrading of kitchen and dining facilities.
• Shall encourage the purchase of beer from the Club in lieu of members bringing in own beer or liquor by publication in email/website and posting notices at Club.
• Shall ensure that no hard alcohol is being stored, handled by employees or sold on premises in violation of liquor laws.
• Shall contact employees and/or parents regarding summer work schedules prior to the 2nd Open House weekend in May.
• In conjunction with Grounds and Maintenance Committee, shall develop and implement shutdown procedures during off-season months (September through April).
• Shall develop and/or revise the current mission of the Club, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
• Shall develop or modify long-term plans and goals of the Club.
• Shall determine long-term financing or capital raising requirements of the Club.
• Shall develop and/or revise standard operating procedures for Managers, Assistant Managers, Lifeguards, Snack Bar Employees, Desk Attendants and Club Attendants yearly as needed, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
• Shall be responsible for implementing all standard operating procedures.
• Shall develop and/or revise Club rules yearly as needed, subject to approval of the Board of Directors.
• In coordination with Grounds and Maintenance Committee, shall develop standard operating procedures for operation and maintenance of swimming pool and related equipment.
• In conjunction with Tennis Committee, shall develop long range plans for the maintenance and/or replacement of tennis courts and equipment.
• Shall coordinate the development, publication and membership distribution of the Club's emailed newsletter weekly.
• Shall ensure that only active members receive emails and that distribution lists are identical to current active membership list.
• Shall post emailed newsletter on website, or other social medium, each time an emailed newsletter is published.
• Shall ensure that website contains complete and accurate list of Board Members, Officers, Chairpersons, and Committee Members including phone numbers and email addresses at all times.
• Shall maintain contact with Social/Fundraising, Tennis, and Swim /Dive Committees to ensure that all events are posted timely in emailed newsletter.
• Shall post all other scheduled Club events in the emailed newsletter and Website.
• Shall ensure that Website only contains up-to-date and current information at all times.
• Shall encourage members to use and access website and follow Club on Facebook (or other social networking site).
• Shall control access to website through the distribution and control of passwords.
• Shall view rental fees as an important generator of funds for the Club.
• Shall develop marketing plan to solicit renters for grounds, buildings or equipment.
• Shall develop/maintain a list of rental fees depending on which part of grounds, buildings or equipment are being rented.
• Shall publish availability and rental fees on website.
• Shall market and coordinate all birthday party rental fees.
• Shall ensure that all rental fees comport with current market value.
• Shall ensure that all non-members who use the Club are charged accordingly.
• Shall ensure that Club Facilities are never used by any outside person or organization without receiving compensation, unless approved by Board on a case-by-case and year-by-year basis.
• Shall execute rental agreements on behalf of the Board, according to Board-approved rates and rules.
• Shall handle all rent collections, deposits and access to the property, as per the rental agreements and the Board's rules.
• Shall ensure that all rentals are in compliance with liquor laws.
• Shall give a full accounting of receipts and expenditures from each rental and remit to Treasurer at monthly Board meetings.
• The President shall, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, appoint such other committees as may be deemed necessary.
1. Annual membership dues shall be that amount set by the Board of Directors.
2. One-Third of dues are payable January 15th and considered delinquent as of February 15th. The second payment is due March 15th and is considered delinquent as of April 15th. The third payment is due May 15 and is considered delinquent as of June 15.
1. New members joining after July 15 shall be required to pay one half (1/2) of the annual dues, and shall be required to pay stock purchase fees and initiation fees at the time of joining the Club.
1. All membership dues that are delinquent (not made payment in full either in person to the Membership Chairperson, or by mail, postmarked by midnight of the deadline date of February 15t, April 15th, or Jun 15th) shall be fined $15.00 each month that dues remain late.
2. Any member who has not paid past due accounts (dues and assessed penalties) on or before the delinquent date shall automatically forfeit their membership privileges, unless other arrange¬ments have been made and approved by the Board of Directors.
1. Complete payment of assessments, regular stock payments, snack bar fees, penalties, appropriate taxes and/or miscellaneous charges is due upon receipt of written notification.
2. Members who have not made such payments within thirty (30) days after bills are mailed shall be delinquent. An additional delinquent penalty of $15.00 per month shall be assessed each month that these amounts are not paid.
1. The fiscal year of the Club shall begin on January 1 of each year and close on December 31 of the same year.
1. The By-laws or any part thereof may be amended, modified, or repealed by the Board of Directors provided that such action is in accordance with and does not conflict with the Articles of Incorporation of the Club.
2. All amendments, modifications or changes shall require a favorable vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board.
1. Any amendments or modifications of these By-laws shall be retroactive and shall apply to all present members, unless the Board of Directors specifically states otherwise in enacting any such amendments.
1. These By-laws shall supersede all acts or resolutions passed prior to their adoption, which are in conflict therewith and become effective upon adoption of the Board of Directors.